Friday, November 11, 2011

A Great Idea For a Blogging Web Site is No Longer Enough

By Unknown | At Friday, November 11, 2011 | Label : | 0 Comments

Because there are so many blogs and web sites about blogs on the internet, it can be tough to distinguish your blogging web site from all of the others. Whether you are starting up a new web site aimed at bloggers or whether you are looking to make your existing blogging site more distinctive, the key to building and maintaining a site that will capture the interest and attention of the blogging community is finding your niche. If you can fill a unique need in a way that no other web site does, you'll be able to build a lasting readership among web surfers. Once you have discovered a niche, you will still have a lot to do, but finding your place in the blogosphere is the place to begin. 

Every great blogging web site starts with a great idea, and you can't build a successful site that will last without one. There are many great sites aimed at today's bloggers, and competition for the attention of this growing demographic is fierce. To make your blogging web site stand out from the pack, you will need to offer something that no other site is currently offering, or you will need to do the same thing that an already popular site does but in a more impressive or valuable way.

One way to discover an ideal model for your blogging web site is to look at the sites that have successfully captured a blogging audience already to determine if you can appropriate some of their strategies to help realize your vision. Of course, you will also need to add a unique flair to your project in order to stand apart from your competition. Many people agree that the web sites that do the best in today's market are the sites that have the most personality. The fiercely individual surfers who are bloggers are a demographic that responds especially strongly to personality, so conside how you can give your site a unique and attractive feeling by lending your own voice and sensibility to your site's design and content.

Once you have a great idea for your site, have pinpointed a special niche that you are well equipped to
fill, and have infused the site with personality, the next step is figuring out how to get the word out to bloggers. In the long run, a great idea just isn't enough to propel your blogging web site to success. You will need to draft a smart and realistic marketing plan in order to draw readers to your site. Once you hook a blogger, your great content will keep them coming back, but it is vital to get that first glance or your site won't have a chance to shine.

Cara memasang gambar di pojok Blog

By Unknown | At Friday, November 11, 2011 | Label : | 0 Comments
Anda lihat ‘kan ada gambar "Tazmania devil" di pojok kiri dan kanan bawah blog saya ini? Dia akan terus selalu berada disitu meskipun anda menggeser tampilan blog saya ke atas dan ke bawah. Meskipun “scroll bar” yang ada di samping kiri dan bawah layar ditarik kemana-mana.  Mungkin anda akan bertanya, bagaimana cara membuat hal yang demikian ?? caranya mudah... tinggal [ ketik REG...] :)

Trik blog ini memang saya dapatkan dan saya sadur dari blog “Trik Tips Blogging”, dan saya sampaikan kembali untuk anda selaku pengunjung blog sederhana saya ini. Berikut trik untuk memasang “Item” agar tetap selalu berada di pojok blog anda (bisa di atas, bawah, kiri, atau kanan blog).

1. Login ke Blogger trus klik "Layout -->> Edit HTML"

2.Cari kode : ]]></b:skin> . Jika sudah ketemu, taruh kode berikut ini di atasnya.

 #trik_pojok {
position:fixed;_position:absolute;bottom:0px; left:0px;
document.documentElement.clientHeight-this.clientHeight); _left:expression(document.documentElement.scrollLeft+ document.documentElement.clientWidth - offsetWidth); } 

3. Text yang dicetak tebal adalah posisinya, kalo pingin ganti di posisi pojok kanan bawah tinggal diganti text "left" dengan "right". Begitu juga tulisan "bottom", jika ingin di posisi atas bisa diganti dengan "top".

4. Langkah selanjutnya yaitu letakkan script berikut ini sebelum kode :</body>

<div id="trik_pojok">
<a href="">
<img src=
"" border="0" /></a> </div>

5. "" adalah link blog. Ganti dengan link blog anda. "" adalah lokasi    gambar. Ganti dengan lokasi gambar anda.

6. Jika anda ingin yang ada disitu bukan gambar, tetapi item lain seperti jam/kalender/hit counter/widget-widget dan lain-lain, maka ganti text yang berwarna merah tersebut dengan script widget-widget tersebut.

7. Klik Save.

Semoga Berhasil.. !!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Penyesalan part. 1

By Unknown | At Thursday, November 03, 2011 | Label : | 0 Comments
Asem...... !!!!
" Nyuessel aku.... "

Begini ceritanya.. : Hari ini, hari Kamis Tgl 3 November 2011 ini.. waktu pulang kuliah kan skitar jam 15.30 ...
Nah, pas waktu pulang itu pas aku mau nyampe' daerah rumahkukan di situ Sebelum Jembatan Layang kan ada Jalan Belokan ke Kiri.... sedangkan Kondisi tadi siang itu kan habis Hujan, jadi otomatis jalan kan jadi banjir...
" Rencanaku tadi pas waktu pulang , aku mau belok ke kiri.. tapi sehubungan jalannya banjir.. otomatis aku jalan lurus aja, lewat jembatan layang... sewaktu aku jalan lurus itu pas ada bemo berhenti di belokan itu.. ada seorang cewe'.. cewe'nya itu manis buangett.. "
dalam bathinku berkata gini:
Aku maeng lapo,, gk liwat dalan iku maeng.. !!!
" jangk__&+^tttttiiiii---ii}:+%tttt.... !!! "
Teruz yo yok opo maneh..
" Kejadian yang sama tidak akan terulang sama 2 kali "

Using A Free Blogging Web Site

By Unknown | At Thursday, November 03, 2011 | Label : | 0 Comments
For first time bloggers, a free blogging web site is a great way to get started in the blogosphere. Popular blogging web sites like blogger and eponym allow users to set up and host a blog without paying any fees at all. This encourages people to start blogging, because the fact that one of these sites can provide you with all of the tools that you need to get your blog up and running without spending any money means that you have nothing to lose by starting a blog. The fact that it is so easy to find a way to blog for free is one of the reasons why so many people who have never had any other kind of web presence before find themselves drawn to blogging. 

By signing up with a free blogging web site, you may find it easier to get listed in search engines that you would if you were starting your own blog from scratch.For example, google runs the free blog hosting site blogspot and crawls its pages very often looking for updates, so if you have your site hosted by blogspot you are almost guaranteed to be listed on google's blog search engine. This easy access to search engines can take some of the work out of promoting your blog, and can help you gain a following with a minimum of marketing effort.

If your blog attracts a large readership, you may want to consider moving your site. Many people feel that being hosted by a free blogging web site gives a blog a kind of amateur flavor that is fine for a new member of the blogosphere, but is not appropriate for a high-profile blog. Having your own domain can help you make your blog feel professional, and finding a company that will host your domain is not difficult or expensive. Once your blog takes off, you will probably be able to sell enough advertising space to be able to afford to buy a domain and pay for a hosting package, and still have money left over. However, it does not make sense in most cases to invest in these glossy luxuries before you have a sizable readership.

Starting your blog on a free blogging web site is a great way to build a following before you spend any money on your blog. If and when your blog becomes popular and you are ready to take the next step and purchase your own domain, your readers will follow you to your new home. The fact that it is possible to use a free blog host like blogspost, blogger, or eponym as a kind of incubator for your blog is great news for bloggers everywhere.

The Definition of Blogging

By Unknown | At Thursday, November 03, 2011 | Label : | 0 Comments
The definition of blogging is something that is very much in flux, as the new technologies that appear every day redefine what a blog is, what a blog can be, and what a blog should do. For many years, blogs were defined as text-based websites that kept records of days, similar to a captain's log on a sailing ship. However, this started to change as the group of people who kept blogs became more diverse. The more bloggers began to explore the limits of the medium and of the technology that made it possible, the more the boundaries of what could be called a "blog" expanded.

Today, there are an abundance of photo blogs, and there are even video blogs as well. Mobile blogging devices may well change the definition of blogging entirely by making it possible for bloggers to create new kinds of posts. Another element of the blogosphere that is starting to redefine blogging is the corporate blog. As more companies hire writers to keep blogs with the sole purpose of creating positive buzz about their brand, bloggers across the globe are arguing about whether these manufactured blogs are really worthy of the name. Between all of these different forces that are constantly expanding and reshaping the blogosphere, it is difficult to imagine that the definition of what is and is not a blog will ever remain fixed for very long.  
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